Saturday, 18 October 2014

So there goes another week.  A somewhat crappy and somewhat good week.

I happened to mention wanting to buy a cheap second hand swing set, in a general conversation, and number five son was in the car and off to Bunnings.  Comes back armed with wood and his trusty drill, and with a bit of help from the man of the house, we have the start of a swing set that takes up the rest of my yard.

  A couple more days, a bit of ebay and it's done .

 That's the good part .  The bad part is that on Thursday, Brian fell off the trampoline while mucking around, and broke his arm above the elbow.  So in order, doctors surgery, xray clinic, doctors surgery, home to organise tea for rest of family, and hospital for five hours while we wait to get the arm plastered.  After laughing gas, a 1/2 cast, vomiting, and more xrays we got home at 1.00 am.

A nice quiet Friday, only 1 off to school and the other sleeping on the couch for most of the day.  A bit of shopping for me to grab some groceries and the day was basically done.

So Saturday, another nice easy day, only my kids, well till number five and family arrive for breakfast before heading out for 1/2 the day.  So then only my kids.  A barbecue tea.  I'm making a couple of salads, an apple pie and some biscuits for the kids. I'm using the basic biscuit recipe that I published last week for both the pie and the biscuits. I love this recipe, so easy and versatile.
I figure it would make a good base for an apple pie, but it doesn't roll so well, so my pie became a rustic apple and cinnamon pie. Not so pretty, but totally delicious.

For the biscuits, I froze some pastry, and I did roll it but I had to roll it quite thick  so it would cut, and work quickly because it softened,  but I did end up with biscuits that I iced for the kids.

I made minted potato salad which is really simple. Potatoes, onions, mint and mayo. Nice and tangy.

To go with that I made a penne pasta salad, full of goodies, capsicum, onion, ham,carrot, mayo and tomato paste. Good enough to eat on it's own.

Lizzy Lou and kids arrived early so the kids could play on the new swings and slide. Number five and family five minutes later. Number four son rang to say he was coming if someone would get him, so the man left to pick him up in the city, and because Lizzy bought some apple cider,  we sat outside, watched the kids play and got a bit tipsy while we waited for them to return.

We just barbecued sausages, onions and marinated chicken, I threw a quick bowl of lettuce, tomato and cucumber together and that was tea.  You can't beat a sausage in bread, with some onion and tomato sauce.

I served the apple pie with icecream.  Everyone loved it.  I think the biscuit recipe is going to be my new best friend.

After coffee, everyone left, except for number four who is still asleep on my couch. He's supposed to be leaving but he's still snoring (says he'll get a taxi home) I'm not waiting to say goodbye because I'm tired so even though it's early for me (11.50), I'm going to bed.  Grandkids in the morning so niters from me.

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