Saturday 2 January 2016


1 x 10 serving pavlova (store bought)
900 mls thickened cream
1/2 cup icing sugar
4 teaspoons strawberry essence

1 punnet strawberries, sliced
4 squares chocolate, grated

1 bottle passionfruit mango topping
2 medium bananas, sliced
1 punnet raspberries

whip the cream with the essence and icing sugar until thick.

slice the pavlova in half widthways (see note)

spread half the cream evenly over the bottom of the pavlova and cover with the
strawberry slices and grated chocolate.

carefully place the top of the pavlova on top of the strawberries.

cover the top with the rest of the cream.

decorate with the topping, bananas and raspberries.

cut into wedges and serve.

NOTE:  I cut the pav in half then tipped it upside down (it usually sticks to the cardboard so
the  bottom piece should stay in place) and gently eased the top section onto a plate. when it
was ready I carefully tipped the plate upside down over the strawberries and the top slid off.

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